Latest News & Updates Perth
Civil and criminal law – the difference in a nutshell
What is civil law? Civil law deals with the responsibilities, [...]
Horse riding and public liability claims – a case study
The High Court of Australia in Tapp v Australian Bushmen's [...]
Childcare Worker – A Surprisingly Hazardous Profession
Childcare workers undertake a number of physically demanding tasks throughout [...]
Dog attack compensation claims
There is no doubt that most dog attacks result in [...]
Unhappy with my current injury lawyer. What can I do?
The importance of choosing the right lawyer to run your [...]
Ride safe, claim safe: motorcycles in Australia
To any motorcyclist, "sorry mate; I didn't see you" will [...]
Not sure how much your claim is worth?
RZ Injury Lawyers will value your claim and get you the compensation you deserve!
1121 Hay Street, West Perth 6005 WA